


西班牙语入门教程 学习+宝博体育 in 塞维利亚 Program Fall 2024 Semester USS Hybrid

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西班牙语入门教程 Course Overview


CEA CAPA Partner 机构: 塞维利亚中心
地点: 西班牙塞维利亚
主要科目范围: 西班牙语 & 文学
指令: 西班牙语
课程代码: SPN105
记录来源: TBD
课程详细信息: 100级
Recommended Semester Credits: 3
联系时间: 45
先决条件: 没有一个


This course is designed for students who wish to develop a novice level of 西班牙语. The principal aims of this language course are to encourage communication and the development of competency and proficiency of all four language skills (listening, 说话, 阅读, 与写的能力). You will also have the opportunity of understanding culture, using a communicative approach to second language acquisition.

The structure of the course focuses particularly on basic strategies and structures for communicating on daily situations. You will learn to talk about yourself, your community and the world around you in 西班牙语. You will start out asking and answering questions, then you will narrate events about the present and the past, 进行比较, and eventually you will be able to express your opinions. 上课时间, you will be required to frequently use 西班牙语 in order to solve activities that demand communicative exchanges. These individual or group-based tasks will offer you contexts for exploring and synthesizing vocabulary, grammar structures or language functions necessary for accomplishing the activity.

The course reveals the close link between language and culture. By completing different types of tasks such as field studies or onsite research, you will explore and contrast cultural aspects which define 西班牙语 society. Exploring markets and universities, and structured interviews with members of the local community will give you a unique chance to rapidly implement your linguistic development in real-life.
You will be also encouraged to participate in co-curricular activities, 比如音乐会, 烹饪课, 探索博物馆和公园, exploring different parts of your host city and 西班牙, or language-exchange opportunities in order to promote your knowledge of 西班牙语 and 西班牙语 people, developing sensitivity towards cultural differences and understanding the ways in which culture and language interlock.

在课程结束时, you are expected to have developed a strong understanding of basic grammar and lexical structures, so that you'll be able to conduct a simple conversation and to write short and basic texts with some degree of competency. You will be able to understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type; speak about yourself and your family; introduce people; ask and answer questions about personal details such as where you live, people you know and things you have; speak about your experiences in the past; interact with the host community and follow short and simple conversations.

Class size never exceeds 15 students so that you have sufficient opportunities to practice your spoken 西班牙语 and receive personal attention from your instructor.

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