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Discovering 格勒诺布尔 While Studying Abroad in 法国

by 佩顿特
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Two study abroad students smiling at the camera and holding baguettes

Discovering More Than I Set Out to Find During a Semester Abroad in 格勒诺布尔  

Fresh off the plane from Lyon Saint-Exupéry Airport, my jet-lagged mind was prepared for wintry weather and stunning mountain views. At the end of my first month onsite, I realized that behind the breathtaking landscapes, the city of 格勒诺布尔 拥有丰富的历史.  

A view from high above of a city and mountains in the distance

A rewarding bird’s-eye view of 格勒诺布尔 after hiking to the top of the Bastille with my classmates at 科学 Po to learn about the old military fort. 

东航卡帕员工 在格勒诺布尔,我觉得这座城市充满了活力. 的y intentionally shared bits of knowledge and interesting tips about 格勒诺布尔, allowing me to look beyond the mountains and see my study abroad location as a city rich in history and 文化.  

A fountain with a large lion head at the top looking down at the viewer

While learning about present-day 格勒诺布尔 on a city tour, our 东航卡帕 格勒诺布尔 staff pointed out the Fontaine du Serpent et du Lion, a symbolic fountain representing 格勒诺布尔’s resilience against the flood-prone rivers Isère and Drac. 

A body of water with mountains in the distance and colorful buildings to the right

We are crossing the Isère River on our way to learn about the history of the Dauphiné province at Le Musée dauphinois. 

When choosing a study abroad destination, 格勒诺布尔 seemed like the perfect fit. 首先,它是在 法国 我可以在哪里磨我的 法语口语能力我在这方面一直做得很成功! 

Two study abroad students smiling at the camera and holding baguettes

My roommate and I tested our French language skills to order our first French baguettes! 

A pastry sitting on a plate next to a mug of liquid

I am treating myself to my first French tarte, which I ordered in French! A rewarding prize after practicing my 法语口语能力 in real-time. 

其次, 作为一个土生土长的科罗拉多人, I felt that the mountains blanketing 格勒诺布尔’s borders would bring a sense of familiarity to my time away from home. 威科斯的壮丽景色, 黄绿色, and Belledonne ranges are indeed one of the best aspects of my time in 格勒诺布尔.  

A line of bicycles in the foreground with a building and mountains in the background

I catch a view of the Vercors mountains and the strong bicycle 文化 in 格勒诺布尔 as I walk to my residence during 东航卡帕 integration week! 

然而, I did not anticipate the pleasure of also gaining a wealth of knowledge about the history of my study abroad destination. 


While taking advantage of the lovely weather in Verdun Park, I ran into this lovely French couple as they enjoyed a routine Saturday stroll. 

感谢东航卡帕格勒诺布尔工作人员, an international student organization at the Université 格勒诺布尔 Alpes, 还有我好奇的留学朋友, I have learned much about 格勒诺布尔 in three short weeks. 

A study abroad student standing near a tram stop and smiling at the camera

My friend and I are taking the tram home after our first day of classes at 科学 Po! 


下课后, I perused different kinds of local honey at the Thursday evening market near my residence. 

准备宝博体育, 我知道我会找到风景的, 这里的食物, 新朋友, 新的体验令人兴奋. 在格勒诺布尔待了将近一个月之后, 法国, learning about the history and 文化 here has been just as rewarding!  

A group of study abroad students sitting at a table and holding packaged food toward the camera

Out with friends on a Friday night to experience the hype about the recent rise of French tacos!




佩顿特 是格勒诺布尔的内容创作者-摄影师吗, 法国, and is currently studying at Cedarville University.
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