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by 艾拉Madrak
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天花板高的房间,挤满了许多人, 又长又高的镜子, 复杂的吊灯, 还有色彩斑斓的天花板


宝博体育, there are endless possibilities of places to see and experience, and it’s been amazing to explore and experience different areas outside of the city. 而在 巴黎, the arrondissements are very similar but there are also some differences. 例如, 在16区, there are more luxury brands and higher-end apartments and it’s comparable to the Upper East Side in Manhattan. 然而, there are smaller areas like the 20th arrondissement that are more local and have more family-owned shops, 餐厅, 美发沙龙, 指甲沙龙, 还有很多其他的. One thing that is so wonderful about 巴黎 is how easy it is to get around and taking the Metro or bus can usually get you to your destination in under an hour.  

Although spending time in 巴黎 provides chances to further learn about the city, 探索周围不同的区域 法国 欧洲也很令人兴奋. 例如, 通过东航卡帕我参观了凡尔赛宫, 沙特尔, 和布鲁塞尔, 比利时: all unique experiences and chances to explore different cultures and lifestyles.  



The first excursion through 东航卡帕 was to visit and tour the 凡尔赛宫 Palace. Before coming abroad I had never been to the palace and didn't know what to expect. 例如, I wasn’t aware that 凡尔赛宫 is also a town with residents and people who live there full-time. 另外, I didn’t realize the sheer size of the palace and how when approaching it there are several different buildings, 还有宫殿后面的花园.  

An outdoor garden area full of highly manicured hedges and fountains, all covered in snow

虽然又冷又下雪, the gardens at 凡尔赛宫 were still beautiful and the snow made it even more iconic!  

我们刚到的时候, I noticed the architecture was stunning and it was amazing to see the gold shining during the morning. 我们一进去, it was interesting to learn more about the palace's history and what it was used for in the past. 例如, I didn’t know that it was a government building that would’ve had thousands of people coming in each day. 

天花板很高的室内房间, 高高的大理石柱子, 天花板上有巴洛克风格的绘画

这是一张凡尔赛皇家教堂的照片, I had never heard of this so it was special to view it for the first time!  




  1. 镜厅 

  1. 国王和王后的国家公寓 

  1. 皇家教堂  

  1. 花园

天花板高的房间,挤满了许多人, 又长又高的镜子, 复杂的吊灯, 还有色彩斑斓的天花板


Here you can see the 镜厅 in 凡尔赛宫; this was one of my favorite parts of the palace.  



参观完凡尔赛宫之后, we had the chance to explore the town of 沙特尔 which is around a one-hour drive from 巴黎 and gives more of a small-town feel compared to 巴黎 and 凡尔赛宫. 在这次旅行中, we were able to explore the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de 沙特尔 and attend a guided tour to learn more about its architecture and history. 看到彩色玻璃是令人愉快的, 雕塑, and paintings while walking around and I would highly recommend taking a trip to visit. 

天花板从下面直接看到的建筑物的天花板, 设有彩色玻璃窗和飞扶壁

This is a shot of the ceiling at the Cathedral Notre-Dame in 沙特尔 highlighting the stained glass and architecture of the ceiling design.  



最后, one of the most recent excursions I’ve taken has been to 布鲁塞尔, 比利时, 在这里过夜. One thing I didn’t realize about 布鲁塞尔 is how close it is to 巴黎 and how a short two-hour train ride can take you right to the city center and immerse you in a different country's culture.  

当到达, I noticed the architecture was very different from that of 巴黎, and the main center had features of gold and traditional European architecture. Some of my favorite parts of the visit were having lunch in the center of the 大的地方, 看到建筑上的金色细节, 品尝著名的比利时美食, 喜欢华夫饼干, 巧克力, 和炸薯条.  

The exterior of a tall ornate building featuring gold plating and decorations

在这张照片中,你可以看到布鲁塞尔市中心的一部分, 突出金色和复杂的细节.  



  1. 大的地方 

  1. 皇宫 

  1. 圣休伯特皇家画廊 

  1. 皇家美术博物馆 

虽然从巴黎坐火车很短, it was very interesting to observe a different country’s culture and recognize similarities and differences from 巴黎. 例如, one of the main similarities is that people in 布鲁塞尔 speak French, 英语, 和荷兰, 这是我来拜访之前不知道的.  

One of the other things that was new to me was taking the Eurail and BlaBlaCar Bus. Although the train is faster and makes it very easy to visit different cities, 公共汽车是个不错的选择, 比坐火车便宜吗, 并提供了非常相似的体验. 例如, 座位很舒服。, 有充电插座, 你可以选择你的座位.  

Another thing that was new to me was staying in a hostel in 布鲁塞尔 which I had never experienced before. My friends and I stayed in the SafeStay 布鲁塞尔 City Center hostel and found it very enjoyable and comfortable for the night.  

最后, I didn’t realize that 凡尔赛宫 had such a vibrant city center and 80,000人称这座城市为家. 这表明,你永远不会知道一个城市是什么样的,直到你去了.  

整体, 这些过去的短途旅行是美妙的, 我强烈推荐你去上面所有的城市, 即使是为了 周末旅行!  

艾拉Madrak 内容创造者-博主在巴黎吗, 法国, 目前在马萨诸塞大学学习.
谢谢你的评论! 你的评论必须先被批准





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