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My Trip to Morocco: Why You Should Go Outside Europe While Studying Abroad in 巴塞罗那

by 所罗门鲱鱼
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Checking out the Almoravid Koubba, one of the oldest buildings in Marrakesh
Checking out the Almoravid Koubba, one of the oldest buildings in Marrakesh.

当学生在巴塞罗那留学时, 以及欧洲其他地方, they do so with the expectation that they are going to spend some of their time visiting other countries. 我是说,欧洲是做这件事的最佳地点,不是吗? The Schengen area guarantees that there are open borders between a majority of countries on the continent, and there is a sophisticated network of rail lines that makes going from 巴塞罗那 to 巴黎 a six-hour ride. 然而, what most people neglect is the fact that there is a destination outside of Europe that is nearly as accessible. 这个地方是摩洛哥.

摩洛哥是一个位于非洲西北角的国家, 被直布罗陀海峡与西班牙分开, 它连接着地中海和大西洋. At their closest points, the two countries are only eight miles (13km) apart from each other. 在丹吉尔, 直布罗陀海峡上的一个主要港口城市, 从海的另一边可以看到西班牙. 尽管这两个国家近在咫尺, 还有700年的共同历史, 这两个国家是完全不同的世界. As someone who is fascinated by the relationship between culture and geography, seeing such an abrupt transition of cultures after traveling such a small distance was truly astonishing.

While studying in 巴塞罗那, I would recommend spending your break week traveling around Morocco. 你会遇到友好和外向的人, 美味的食物, 令人惊叹的自然风光, 和古代伊斯兰建筑. Furthermore, Morocco is significantly more affordable than nearly anywhere in Europe. 然而, 前往摩洛哥并非没有挑战, as the vastly different culture in comparison to Europe and the United States can be a hard adjustment for many. But for those who come with an open mind, they will be welcomed with warm hospitality.

Throughout the week I spent 在摩洛哥, I had the privilege of exploring Tangier and Marrakech. 这两个城市很不一样, 让你感觉好像在两个不同的国家. 在丹吉尔, you will find clean streets, developed infrastructure, and modern buildings. 有时我觉得自己好像没有离开西班牙, as the sidewalks have the same brick patterns as those in 巴塞罗那 and a lot of the buildings have a Spanish architectural style. 在丹吉尔,我建议去麦地那, 又名“古老的城市,美国公使馆博物馆, 和斯巴达角. From Tangier you will find amazing views of the Strait of Gibraltar from the tall hills of Morocco's coastline.


马拉喀什与丹吉尔形成鲜明对比. 它位于内陆,在阿特拉斯山脉的山脚下. 环境是干燥和半干旱的, and the temperature reached 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 degrees Celsius) while I was there. 丹吉尔到处都是现代建筑, while Marrakech is home to one of the most well-preserved old medinas in the entire country. There you will find narrow streets and mosques that are centuries old, surrounded by ancient walls.

In comparison to the well-organized and relatively peaceful Tangier, Marrakech is crowded and hectic. 作为一个外国人, 你会经常被雄心勃勃的街头小贩包围, 想卖给你任何东西,从衣服到香料. 在马拉喀什, 我建议你去麦地那的市场看看, 库图比亚清真寺, 巴伊亚宫, 巴布Agnaou, 以及伊本·优素福伊斯兰学校.

Marrakech is an excellent place to immerse yourself in the cultural differences here 在摩洛哥. 然而, it is important that you are aware of these differences before you go and visit, 因为这会让你的过渡更容易. 以下是我认为最重要的三点.



  1. 宗教

这可能是最明显的文化差异, 因为西班牙以天主教徒为主,而摩洛哥以穆斯林为主. These two differences in religion mean that the two respective countries have different practices and customs. 例如, 而不是庆祝圣诞节或复活节, 许多摩洛哥人庆祝斋月, a one-month-long holiday where Muslims fast in order to empathize with those in need. 而不是听到教堂的钟声, you will hear an Arabic call to prayer from the loudspeaker five times a day. This serves as a reminder of prayer times, and comes from the mosques in the community.

The difference in religions can also be exemplified by each country's respective diet. In 西班牙, pork is a highly-consumed meat, as Spaniards are known for their Iberic ham and chorizo. 然而, 在摩洛哥, 很难找到一家供应猪肉的餐馆, 因为它在伊斯兰教是禁止食用的. You also will find that alcohol plays little to no role in social gatherings 在摩洛哥, 因为在伊斯兰教中饮酒是禁忌. 作为一种选择, 许多摩洛哥人会聚在一起喝一杯热薄荷茶, 而不是喝冰凉的埃斯特拉或一杯卡瓦酒.

  1. 语言

虽然丹吉尔有相当多的西班牙语使用者, 阿拉伯语是摩洛哥最常用的语言. 摩洛哥所说的阿拉伯语方言被称为Darija, 深受法语和西班牙语的影响. 尽管许多人认为达利加语不能被视为自己的语言, it is virtually unintelligible to Arabic speakers from the Levant and Arabian Peninsula. 尽管阿拉伯语是该国的官方语言, 摩洛哥人口的很大一部分能说流利的法语, 因为它曾是法国的殖民地. 摩洛哥的另一种常用语言是柏柏尔语. 这是柏柏尔人的语言, an indigenous ethnic group native to Morocco and other parts of Northern Africa.

  1. 时间感

奇怪的是, this is a major cultural difference between the United States and 西班牙, as Spaniards don't emphasize punctuality to the same extent as other Western cultures. 然而, you will find that things run much slower 在摩洛哥 than in both the United States and 西班牙. This is a culture shock that many Westerners experience when traveling outside Europe or North America and is often a source of frustration. 然而, 旅行时随波逐流总是很重要的, as it allows you to have spontaneous experiences and make the most of your trip.


所罗门鲱鱼 内容创造者-博主.
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