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伦敦: One of the World's Most Diverse Food Scenes

by 气Vu
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这座全球城市提供包括中国在内的超过89种国家的美食, 越南, 印度, 斯里兰卡, 马来西亚, 也门, 阿富汗的, 奥地利, 澳大利亚, 法国, 意大利, 德国, 美国, 墨西哥, 斯堪的那维亚, 缅甸 , 等. 食物. Insider网站将伦敦列为2018年全球第二大美食城市. 《宝博体育》还提到,伦敦之所以拥有世界上最多样化的美食场景之一,主要是因为伦敦人对来自世界各地不同文化和地区的食物持开放态度.


History of 伦敦的唐人街

根据 The 文化 Trip, 伦敦唐人街自20世纪初就存在于伦敦西区,因其风景如画的宝塔建筑和灯笼林立的街道以及彼此相邻的各种食品店而闻名. 相比之下,芝加哥的唐人街有很多韩国餐馆和韩国流行音乐商店, 伦敦唐人街, 在我看来, 更以中国为中心,并提供了许多文化活动和图像. Due to the trade between the U.K. and China in the 17th century, 中国陶器, 体系结构, and tea became renowned and favorable among Britain's elite. It became one of the first factors for the foundation of 唐人街. 尽管在过去, 唐人街被认为是“赌场和鸦片窝点”的地方。, 晚些时候, 唐人街 became and is still a major culinary destination in 伦敦. 唐人街 is a unique contribution to the identity of 伦敦!

Places for Students to Visit in 唐人街



东方餐厅一直是唐人街最繁忙的餐厅之一,供应传统点心, 脆皮鸭, 炒饭, 茉莉花茶, 或面包, 等. If you have a chance to visit this place, you should try out 越南 spring rolls and hot 茉莉花茶! 你不会后悔的! 东方伦敦 is located at 15 Wardour Street 伦敦 W1D 6PH. 你可以阅读更多关于东方的中国传统食品,如点心背后的故事 东方的网站.

Definition of Dim Sum from 东方伦敦's Website

From 东方伦敦's website.


Food from Asian supermarket in 唐人街

Food from Asian supermarkets in 唐人街.

If visiting restaurants costs you too much money, 从超市买食物在家做饭可以节省很多钱,让你有家的感觉. These are some Asian stores that I normally visit to buy 食物. All the information was drawn from 唐人街的网站: Loon Fung Supermarket: located at 42-44 Gerrard St, 伦敦 W1D 5QG. 50多年来,龙丰超市一直是唐人街亚洲美食界的前沿. 更重要的是, “龙丰确实被誉为英国‘四大’中国超市之一. Their stock is imported from various Asian countries, including mainland China, 香港, 台湾, 菲律宾, 泰国, 马来西亚, 越南, 日本和韩国”. New Loon Moon Supermarket: located at 9A Gerrard St, 伦敦 W1D 5PN. New Loon Moon是该地区第一家拥有4000多种东南亚食品的东方商店!


Food from 新中国餐厅

Food from New China restaurant.

如果你想在唐人街找一家价格合适的中餐馆, New China is the place that you should visit. New China restaurant: located at 48 Gerrard St. 伦敦 China town W1D 5QL. With the structure of a traditional Chinese pagoda, New China completely stands out in the corner of Gerrard street! 这些食物从中国本土到中国大陆的不同地区都有,比如冷水煮鱼, 火锅, 点心, 海鲜面条, 酸白菜, 玻璃面, 或者烤蛤蜊, 等. 如果您想体验亚洲卡拉ok,新中国还提供卡拉ok室!


Bubble Wrap gelato in a handheld waffle cone

Bubble Wrap is a handheld waffle cones filled with gelato & 配料. 这是香港最受欢迎的街头小吃之一——蛋形华夫饼!

The bubble waffle is unlike traditional western square flat ones, 相反,它是六边形的,上面覆盖着球形的面糊. 华夫饼的历史可以追溯到20世纪50年代,当时精明的市场商人发明了一种卵形的华夫饼机,用来消耗他们所有的破鸡蛋. 快进到今天,它已经成为最值得在instagram上发布的零食之一.



唐人街面包店只卖中式蛋糕,但只卖一种最著名的日本甜点:太烧抹茶冰淇淋! 唐人街面包店还出售装饰精美的生日蛋糕和有趣的动物蛋糕.

Other Places in 伦敦 to Find Asian Food

Chinese 食物 from 卡姆登市场


卡姆登市场位于卡姆登镇,是世界上最著名的市场之一. 卡姆登市场提供各种各样的食物,从墨西哥、泰国、越南到法国. 你也可以在这个市场以便宜的价格找到许多美丽而有意义的纪念品. 你知道吗?? Famous singer and Camdenite, 艾米·怀恩豪斯十几岁时在卡姆登洛克市场的一个摊位上工作!


Located in West Handyside Canopy, 伦敦 N1C 4BH-just a five-minute walk from King's Cross tube station, 树冠市场 offers fresh produce, 工匠的食物, 工艺的饮料, 等. You can also find good homemade pastries here!


Matcha ice cream from TSUJIRI

TSUJIRI在伦敦有很多店,这里的抹茶真的很正宗. 在谷歌评论和猫途鹰上,TSUJIRI被认为是伦敦最好的抹茶冰淇淋店之一! 试试这里的冰淇淋和抹茶或抹茶吧,你不会后悔的!

Places in 伦敦 to Find Good Food From Around the World


Nando的是一家南非快餐连锁店,提供peri-peri风格的鸡肉. 根据 Nando的网站“Nando的故事开始于几个世纪前,当葡萄牙探险者启航前往东方时。”. Founded by Fernando Duarte and Robbie Brozin in 1987, Nando的 has expanded its outlets to many countries around the world.

Christmas by the River (Seasonal)

气Vu near 伦敦 Tower Bridge

Christmas by the River is located along the banks of the Thames. 你只需要从伦敦桥站下车,步行大约六七分钟就可以到达那里. Christmas by the River offers delicious homemade macarons, 德国热狗, 泰国菜, 比利时热巧克力, 印度的食物, and drink stalls with stunning views of Tower Bridge.

Covent Garden and Notting Hill

Amorino Gelato from Notting Hill

Covent Garden is shopping and entertainment hub in 伦敦's West End. Covent Garden has Apple Market where you can find Belgium chocolate, 英国茶, 德国的食物, 法国糕点, 意大利葡萄酒, 中国的面包, 等. 你可以在科文特花园找到来自世界各大洲的食物! 考文特花园也因圣诞装饰和与音乐相关的主题而闻名,比如《宝博体育》! 由于同名电影“诺丁山”,诺丁山举世闻名。. 然而,诺丁山不仅仅是电影拍摄的地方. 诺丁山有波多贝罗市场,这里出售廉价的有机食品和衣服. You can find curry, paella, fish and chips, bratwurst, and more here!! Amorino Gelato has stores everywhere in 伦敦, but I specifically love visiting Amorino in Notting Hill.

气Vu is the Content Creator - 博客ger.
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